cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Thu Dec 15 13:27:17 PST 2005
>> - configure looks for plpgsql.so during the build but does not actually
>> need it during the build.  This is a bit annoying as it requires you to
>> install the server package when you don't need it.
> fixed in -HEAD

The other items seem to be mostly addressed; this one seems to deserve a
bit more comment.

The "search for plpgsql.so" is there to ensure that it'll be there at
runtime in that plenty of the Slony-I functionality operates as pl/pgsql

Does the distinction between build/compile time and install/run time
warrant dropping the check?

If I'm installing from source (e.g. - NOT doing anything with .rpm/.deb),
I think I want that check.

The case where checking for the lib is unwarranted is where we're building
packages in one place, and then using dependancies to make sure that all
components (including plpgsql.so) are installed.

Again, does the distinction between build/compile time and install/run
time warrant dropping the check?

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