Scott Marlowe scott.marlowe at
Mon Aug 16 10:25:32 PDT 2010
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Greg Sabino Mullane <greg at> wrote:
>> Triggers on the table may still need to fire; they certainly did, on the
>> origin, and they may also need to, on subscribers.
>> How would you propose to configure a determination that sometimes the
>> tuple can be ignored silently, and sometimes the update still needs to
>> take place?
> (Surely triggers firing is the exception not the rule for subscribers).
> As a first-shot proposal, I'd have a config to set this at the Slony
> global level, defaulting to the current behavior, and allowing people
> to turn on this optimization with the understanding that replica
> triggers will NOT fire reliably if this is turned on.

Seems like added (and possibly dangerous) complexity to overcome a
problem most people don't have.

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