Jaime Casanova jcasanov at systemguards.com.ec
Tue Apr 20 23:35:05 PDT 2010

A customer of mine has the tendency of not follow instructions :(
Recently i found that a table that is audited with table_log was
modified without considering the log table (so the log table wasn't
writing and neither the audited one), to fix that i drop the log table
from the replication, renamed it and create a new one with the missing

then i tried to readd it to the replication i tried with the same id
number it had before but when i subscribe the set get an error on the
receiver that that tab_id exists so i tried it with a new number
2010-04-21 00:28:59 ECT DEBUG3 remoteWorkerThread_1: table
"audit_log"."tcom_control_actividad_fecha" does not require Slony-I
serial key
2010-04-21 00:28:59 ECT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select
"_sncp_incop_cluster".setAddTable_int(999, 259,
'tcom_control_actividad_fecha_pkey', ''); " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:
Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table id 259 has already been assigned!

so i unsubscribe the set, drop the table from the replica, and re add
it again with a new tab_id... but when i try  to subscribe it doesn't
get subscribed and the table doesn't copy and i get this error on the
2010-04-21 01:01:55 ECT DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event
2010-04-21 01:01:55 ECT DEBUG2 remoteListenThread_1: queue event
2010-04-21 01:01:59 ECT DEBUG1 copy_set 999
2010-04-21 01:01:59 ECT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: node -1 not found
in runtime configuration
2010-04-21 01:01:59 ECT WARN   remoteWorkerThread_1: data copy for set
999 failed 539 times - sleep 60 seconds

now, i'm getting this message every often... ideas?

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157

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