Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Wed Apr 1 12:01:01 PDT 2009
Matthew Hempel <mhempel at> writes:
> I assume that the slonik_subscribe_set command only needs to be run on
> db2, the subscriber.
> If my assumptions are wrong, I'd appreciate being corrected.

It doesn't very much matter where the slonik commands are run;
whereever they are run, slonik will connect to the appropriate
databases to perform the configuration change.

In our environments, we usually have databases residing on database
servers, and the slon processes run on an "administrative" server.

We'd run the slonik scripts on the admin server.

All of the requests that you indicate need only to be run once,

The one notable misconception is with CREATE SET...  You only need to
run that command once, and initially, it will only really take effect
on the node that is the origin for the set.

The "SUBSCRIBE SET" request that follows pulls information about that
set onto the subscriber node.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"The only thing  better than TV with the  sound off is  Radio with the
sound off." -- Dave Moon

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