Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Wed Nov 19 23:04:15 PST 2008
On 11/20/2008 4:34 AM, Mark Hagger wrote:
> Apologies if this has been answered in the lists before, but I can't
> seem to find any place or site that lets me directly search the archives
> (a brute force "read the entire archives by hand" doesn't greatly appeal
> to me...), google searches haven't really turned up anything useful
> either.
> If I want to replicate multiple databases from hostA to hostB does
> anyone have any opinions/thoughts on using multiple clusters vs a single
> cluster?  Somehow both approaches feel wrong in some way, but those
> appear to be the 2 choices.

I would tend to do it in separate clusters.

Even if they never exchange any data, all nodes in one cluster must have 
possible event paths to each other. Which means that the nodes exchange 
events for no reason at all, which leads to some unnecessary confirm 
traffic. Also, if one set of databases gets screwed up and they are a 
separate cluster, one can simply drop both databases and recreate a new 
cluster. If it all is one big cluster, one at least has to properly drop 
those nodes.

The only advantage of building one cluster seems to be that one hosts 
sl_status view may reveal that everything is humming fine.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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