Michel michelspintor at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 09:52:52 PST 2008

Sorry by my English, i´m from São Paulo - Brasil.
I´ll try to explain my problem:

I use slony on my company to replicate data from 1 master to 11 nodes.
While i was using slony 1.2.6 everything was ok but after a upgrade
for 1.2.12, everything is slower...
Even on the localnetwork the time to replicate the data is to higher.

Before what was taking fews seconds now in sometimes take minutes, on
the same situations that before.

The postmaster is with many process like this, what before was so fast
that i coundn´t see::

notify "_schema_Event"; notify "_schema_Confirm";
select "_schema".forwardConfirm(3, 7, '1308481', '2008-01-16 15:47:48.718985');
select "_schema".createEvent('_schema', 'SYNC', NULL);

notify interrupt waiting
notify interrupt waiting

this process is doing: SELECT waiting


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