Craig James craig_james at
Mon Jul 2 20:52:16 PDT 2007
Bill Moran wrote:
> Postgresl 8.1.9 replicating to 8.1.8 using Slony 1.2.6.
> I have a number of "timestamp with time zone" columns that simply will
> not replicate correctly and I'm stumped to the point of insanity as
> to why.
> On both systems, the database is set to est5edt timezone, yet some
> rows (not all, mind you) change the timezone from edt to est when
> the data is replicated.

This is just a wild guess, nothing to do with Slony ... make sure the kernel of both systems are operating on the same time zone.  You can have the OS running of one on GMT (common for database systems), and the OS of the other on est5edt.  You won't see this normally if you have your own TZ set in your $HOME environment, because on the GMT kernel, it will convert the system clock to your timezone, but on the est5edt kernel, it recognizes that your personal timezone is the same as the kernel's.  Everyone sees the correct time, even though the kernels are operating in different time zones.  Then when you start Postgres, which timezone does it inherit?  Usually the kernel's, but it depends how you start it.


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