Bill Moran wmoran at
Mon Jul 2 19:54:35 PDT 2007
Postgresl 8.1.9 replicating to 8.1.8 using Slony 1.2.6.

I have a number of "timestamp with time zone" columns that simply will
not replicate correctly and I'm stumped to the point of insanity as
to why.

On both systems, the database is set to est5edt timezone, yet some
rows (not all, mind you) change the timezone from edt to est when
the data is replicated.

It's always the same rows, but not all rows in the table.

This has obviously got something to do with the data, but I'm befuddled
as to what to do about it, or even how to determine the exact nature
of the problem.  New rows are being added to this table all the time
and they are replicated correctly, it seems as if it's always the same
rows that magically switch timezones during replication.

I've gone so far as to completely deinstall Slony from this database and
rebuild the Slony config from scratch, and it still does the exact same

Any help will be met with great appreciation.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

wmoran at
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023

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