Darcy Buskermolen darcyb at commandprompt.com
Wed Apr 11 13:43:05 PDT 2007
On April 11, 2007 11:16 am, Keaton Adams wrote:
> In the "current limitations" section of the documentation it states that
> "In addition, any other triggers and rules on replicated tables are
> suppressed on the subscribers: This is done by pointing them, in the
> system table, to the primary key index instead of to the table itself."
> When implementing table partitioning, part of the process is to create
> rules on the master table to redirect operations such as inserts to the
> proper child table.  Check constraints on each child table enforce rules
> for where rows of data are stored, but it is the rule set on the master
> table that allows for inserts/updates on the master table to make their
> way to the proper child.
> Does this mean that Slony-I is not compatible with partitioned tables in
> PostgreSQL?

As long as your subscription set(s) contain all of the members of the 
partioning, ie the child tables in a typical inherited partioning setup, then 
you will have no issues.   Since the triggers are only temporarily disabled 
on the subscriber (slave)  and left alone on the origin (master).  The 
triggers are re-enabled when you promote the DB to being the origin, or 
remove it from being a replication member.

Darcy Buskermolen
Command Prompt, Inc.
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PostgreSQL solutions since 1997

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