Andrew Sullivan ajs
Tue Sep 19 09:20:21 PDT 2006
On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 12:58:28PM -0300, User Marc wrote:
> 'emergencies' are concerned, I would expect that every effort to reach me 
> is performed, mainly because, as Dave pointed out, I know my servers, and 
> am comfortable with working with them remotely, as well as the techs in 
> Panama ...

That description is, in fact, exactly what I'm worried about.  If the
idea is that we have one person who is "comfortable" working on the
boxes, and another person who isn't, then the boxes aren't really
supported by more than one person.

Such an arrangement is ok for some systems.  I am inclined to argue
that it is _not_ ok in this case, because it seems to me that the
project is now too important for one person to be that critical for
day to day success.

But I'm in fact arguing, instead, that we don't know whether it's ok,
because we haven't explicitly come up with a set of requirements. 
So I suggest we do that instead of going down the rathole of
discussing how to do what we want when we haven't decided yet what we


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
Information security isn't a technological problem.  It's an economics
		--Bruce Schneier

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