Joshua D. Drake jd
Tue Sep 19 09:04:44 PDT 2006
Josh Berkus wrote:

 > Chris,

 >> Indications have been from some of the people involved that this may
 >> not be quite the ideal answer that it was imagined to be, from a
 >> couple of perspectives:

 > As a pgFoundry admin, I have to say that I'm really let down by the
 > Slony-I team on this one.  If there are issues with pgFoundry (and
 > there are) then we'd like your help in resolving them (since most of
 > them relate to manpower).

There are already, what? 20 pgfoundry admins? (of which I am one). How 
many actually get on that box when there is a problem? How many have 
actually dug into the code (I know I have).

Pgfoundry needs *alot* of help.

Slony is a large enough project to where it makes sense for it to have 
it's own home.

 >   Having Slony-I run off and start its own
 > site with completely separate infrastructure doesn't help any of the
 > other users of pgFoundry,

Not to be unkind, but how is that Slony's problem? Slony needs to do 
what it needs to do for its project. If it is to host with PgFoundry 
great! If it is to move to Google Source Code, Great! If it is to have a 
dedicated server, Great!

 > and just compounds the "does PostgreSQL have replication or not"
 > problem.

That is an education problem, not a PgFoundry or Slony problem.

 >If your conclusion is that pgFoundry is borked and we need to replace >it
 >with something else *in general*, then let's replace it.

Well we have certainly considered that haven't we? However, does it go 
anyhere? No and for good reason. There isn't anything else out there. I 
have made mention of forking the pgFoundry code and making it our 
( own. I even have some really simple ways to enable svn 

Please see the thread I started named "Owning the Gforge code" on 

I might also note that Gforge has had 4 outages in the last 4 months and 
those are just the ones I know about.

Yes we all know that outages happen, but Gforge is fairly good about 
actually having outages ;)


Joshua D. Drake


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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