Joshua D. Drake jd
Tue Sep 19 08:36:28 PDT 2006

I wasn't actually subscribed to this list. Thanks to Niels Breet for 
pinging me about this thread. My responses:

 > Josh Drake of Command Prompt (hereafter called "CMD") has offered to
 > provide a dedicated host, supported by his multiple staff that already
 > provide 7x24 support, where key community members will also have some
 > sudo access.

The machine would be dedicated to the Slony project. Thus except for CMD 
members and some obvious community members (DarcyB and Devrim) we can 
definitely let sudo access to the members that need it.

 > His preference would be for this to be an Ubuntu system (for which CMD
 > is a "Gold Partner"); that seems quite fine to me, presumably playing
 > to some organizational strengths, and being a system where there are a
 > pretty rich set of packages should we need extensions of one sort or
 > another.

Specifically Dapper LTS which gives us a 5 year support window. However 
I am not opposed to hosting other linux distros. I am more then familiar 
with Linux but our strengths are RedHat/Fedora, Ubuntu.

 > In the short term, there's at least one backup of the CVS tree at the
 > moment, supposing gBorg fell over again.  (I'm unhappy with it being
 > merely one; if *I* had a copy, that copy would *immediately* get
 > mirrored several places to give the project some better protection...)
 > In future, we need much greater redundancy on this, and
 > cross-organizational backups.  So, the "CMD" server will need to offer
 > the ability to rsync CVS elsewhere on a regular basis.

Well a couple of things. The machine will be backed up daily and pulled 
off machine, including the CVS repo.

Also as you will have shell access you are welcome to rsync the repo any 
place you like.

Initially, the CMD server needs to host the following things:

 > 1.  CVS

No sweat.

 > 2.  Mailman

 >    Mailman has worked well for us in the past

Good it is my preferred mailing list manager.

 > 3.  A web server to host what "webby things" are needed, notably
 >    documentation and release downloads.

Sure :)

 >    The more "wild web apps" get added, the more complex system
 >    configurations get, which makes them increasing challenges to try
 >    to administer, which is an argument against having terribly much
 >    other than static files on the web server.

Well maybe a CMS :) but yeah I get your point.

 > I'd propose, at least as a strawman, that we use the Bugzilla instance
 > at Command Prompt <> as the bug
 > reporting system, for now.

Oh, this is interesting. We would love to have some more community 
members get involved in that. Our hope is that it will become so that would be great!

 > had at gBorg, and it would be *very* attractive to see a common system
 > used to collect bugs for both PostgreSQL and Slony-I.  I think (hint,
 > hint, Josh) that at least some of us community members would need some
 > admin access to that Bugzilla instance to get it fully functional;

Yeah that wouldn't be a problem at all.

 > 4.  rsync and/or Unison should be available so that various community
 >     members can replicate data remotely, thereby protecting us from
 >     events like the recent gBorg outage being nearly as injurious.

I don't know what Unison is, but rsync is definitely not a problem.

 > a) The CMD server needs to be made available

Sitting right next to me. Nothing fancy but it does have RAID 1 :)
If this is a go, I will install and get it down to the colo.

 > b) We should see to getting copies of CVS and Mailman up and running
 > to verify that they're working


 > c) We make sure that they're working and that people are able to draw
 > backups


 > Once they are working, we set dates for migration to the new server
 > for each service.  There is no need to do it all at once.

That is true. I would probably suggest the first thing that moves is CVS 
as it is the most vital. Then mailing lists. Then whatever else.


Joshua D. Drake


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