Thomas Pundt mlists
Fri Dec 1 02:33:15 PST 2006
On Friday 01 December 2006 10:05, Ashish Karalkar wrote:
| I am running the folowing script and getting the
| error "syntax error at or near node"
| #!/bin/sh
| CLUSTER=cluqsweb
| DB1=qsweb
| DB2=qswebslave
| PREAMBLE="cluster name = $CLUSTER
| node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=qsweb
| host= user=postgres password = postgres';
| node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=qswebslave
| host= user=postgres password= postgres';
| "

you can't split a shell variable assignment over more than one line this
way. Write it in one line.

| origin=1
| subscriber=2
| mainset=1
| slonik <<_EOF_
| init cluster (id = 1, comment ='Master Node 1');

don't "init cluster" again. This is wrong.

| create set (id = $mainset, origin = $origin,comment =
| 'Set $mainset - all qsweb tables');
| set add table (set id = $mainset, origin = $origin,
| id=1,fully qualified name
| ='public.admin_owner',comment=' admin_owner');

it's not a bad idea to trap errors here:

try {
  create set (id = 2, origin = $origin, comment = 'new tables');
  set add table (set id = 2, origin = $origin, id = $new_tab_id, 
                 full qualified name = 'public.admin_owner', 
                 comment = 'Table public.admin_owner');
on error {
  echo 'error create set';
  exit -1;

Also: $mainset is the set you want to add the new table to, no? You
need to create a _new_ set, where you first add your tables to. Later
you merge the two sets. So use "id=2" as "set id".

| # waiting for event
|  		 ORIGIN = ALL,
|    WAIT ON = 1
| );
| store node (id = 2, comment ='Slave Node 1');
| store path (server = 1, client = 2,
|   conninfo ='dbname=qsweb host=
| user=postgres password = postgres');
| store path (server = 2, client = 1,
|  conninfo ='dbname=qswebslave host=
| user=postgres password = postgres');
| store listen (origin = $origin, provider = 1, receiver
| = 2);
| store listen (origin = $origin, provider = 2, receiver
| = 1);
| _EOF_

all this from "store node" on does not belong to a "add tables
to set" procedure. You need to issue a 

merge set ( id=1, add id=2, origin=1 );


| Can you please tell me where I am doing wrong


Thomas Pundt <thomas.pundt at> ---- ----

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