Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Dec 21 23:43:35 PST 2005
Michael Crozier wrote:

>On solaris9/sparc/postgresql-7.3.8, the tests are not working:
> WARNING: Failed to launch slon on node 1 
>check /tmp/slony-regress.ieicwpanp/slon_log.1 for details
>/tmp/slony-regress.ieicwpanp/slon_log.1 contains this error:
>ERROR  remoteListenThread_2: "select ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_timestamp,        
>ev_minxid, ev_maxxid, ev_xip,        ev_type,        ev_data1, ev_data2,        
>ev_data3, ev_data4,        ev_data5, ev_data6,        ev_data7, ev_data8 from 
>"_slony_regress1".sl_event e where (e.ev_origin = '2' and e.ev_seqno > '0') 
>order by e.ev_origin, e.ev_seqno" - could not receive data from server: Error 
>I do not see anything obviously wrong and the query succeeds from psql.  There 
>are no errors in the postgresql logs.
>Any suggestions?
You're getting good results with 7.4/8.0/8.1, perchance???


There's history of a threading issue on Solaris...  Some versions of the
client library (e.g. - libpq) required patching, and my first question
is, are you certain you compiled PostgreSQL 7.3.8 with the option

Without that option, and possibly without a patch akin to
you'll find that slon will fall over...

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