Justin Clift jc
Wed Sep 29 04:40:16 PDT 2004
Jan Wieck wrote:
> What do you mean with "small update frequency"? Is it the interval in 
> which the application does changes to the database or the interval slon 
> issues SYNC events. I have not played with 100ms SYNC intervals yet, but 
> I can imagine that it could create some sl_event and pg_listener bloat.

Well, I started slon with -s 100 -t 1200 (both nodes) in a simple master 
+ 1 slave setup and after about 2 days the replication "stopped".

Both slon's were still running, but no replication was occuring, and 
looking at sl_confirm on the slave node showed no new rows being added 

Shutting down slon, then starting it up again (about 5 hours after the 
timestamp of the last rows in sl_confirm) seemed to help, as a bunch of 
new rows appeared in the sl_confirm table on the slave, but still no 
actual replication was happening.  As evidenced by changing data on the 
master and waiting for it to appear on the slave.

Shutting down the slon daemon on both master and slave, then starting it 
up again (a few more times with no -s and -t values given on the command 
line) helped and got things working again.

It's now running fine for the past day with an -s of 1000.

Not sure what caused the replication to stop, it just did.

No idea of the process for debugging it either.  All pointers would be 
helpful of course.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> Jan

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