cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Wed Oct 20 12:55:55 PDT 2004
> On Tuesday October 19 2004 9:16, Jan Wieck wrote:
>> > So if I want to work with the latest code slated for 1.0.3, is that on
>> > the HEAD?  REL_1_0_STABLE?
>> REL_1_0_STABLE is what's going to be 1.0.3 in a couple of hours. I'm
>> right now pushing it through a number of TPC-W loads on 8.0 databases.
>> Awesome couple ... all I can say.
> Not sure where you're going with 1.0.3/1.1, but will you consider applying
> some patches from 1.1 to 1.0.3?  Config file and logging come to mind...

I'd oppose that, unless there are some _very_ carefully selected changes,
and I seriously doubt that's possible.

The "config file" changes in particular cause a significant change in
functionality, essentially _breaking_ existing configurations,
documentation, and scripts for managing Slony-I instances.

The changes in 1.0.3 are consciously being limited to things that won't
push "in your face" major revisions to how Slony-I is being used.  It's a
minor release number, so the changes are not supposed to be particularly

As it stands right now, it'll quite likely not be until just about
December that we can get enough of a QA cycle run through internally in
order to be able to put 1.0.3 in.  If things were opened up for 1.1
changes, that would put that off until next year, and there's plenty
enough in 1.0.3 in terms of smoothing out problems observed in early
adoption that I want it in as soon as we can get it.

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