James Black jfb
Tue Dec 7 01:23:56 PST 2004
Hello, all,

I'm in the process of moving over from a modified contrib/dbmirror 
master/slave setup to Slony1.  Everything works ok, but in running 
through testing the range of actions that we currently perform, I can't 
figure out how to add tables to the cluster.  The sequence of events as 
I understand them are: create a new table; create a new set; add the 
new table to the new set; merge the new set into the old one.

Is it valid to merge a set into itself?  For example, given the 
following slonik commands; tables foo and bar, with proper primary 
keys; and a preexisting set id #1:

create set (id = 999, origin = 1, comment = 'temporary set');
set add table (set id = 999, origin = 1, id = 1, full qualified name = 
set add table (set id = 999, origin = 2, id = 2, full qualified name = 
subscribe set ( id = 999, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no );

... is it kosher to merge a set into it's "origin"?  i.e.,

merge set (id = 1, add id = 999, origin = 1);


I apologize for the entry-level quality of this question; I am very 
excited about replacing dbmirror, but I want to make sure that I am as 
comfortable performing simple tasks with slony as with the current 
setup first.

Thanks in advance,

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