Vivek Khera vivek
Mon Dec 6 20:36:44 PST 2004
Sometime today my replication seems to have stalled.

the sl_status table shows this:

st_origin                 | 2
st_received               | 1
st_last_event             | 92871
st_last_event_ts          | 2004-12-06 15:27:30.168154
st_last_received          | 89253
st_last_received_ts       | 2004-12-06 05:10:34.107186
st_last_received_event_ts | 2004-12-06 05:10:33.677258
st_lag_num_events         | 3618
st_lag_time               | 10:17:01.792383

The last_received_* fields have not changed since early this morning.  
The last_event and last_event_ts are ever increasing, and current to 
the current time, however.

I restarted the slon daemons for both the source and destination of the 
set, but nothing seems to be moving around.  pg_stat_activity shows the 
connection from the source's slon daemon as idle in transaction since 
14:34 (nearly an hour).

The slon daemon's are using very little CPU time.

I'm not sure how to poke around to see what's going on.

The logs are showing SYNC events being processed on the source and just 
queued up on the destination.

Do I just wait longer?

System details:
FreeBSD 4.10, Postgres 7.4.6, Slony 1.0.5
plenty of disk, memory, and bandwidth (both boxes sit on a private 
ethernet just for DB access)

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