Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 15:50:11 PDT 2012
On 7/26/2012 10:09 AM, David TECHER wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for sharing these information.
> Do you think it is worth waiting that replication could catch up properly.

I don't have enough information to say if it is worth or not.

> Yesterday while this issue was occuring
> - I stopped replication on all nodes and
> - I restarted the PostgreSQL server on the master
> - I restaerted Slony processes on all nodes.
> Then I guess that my issue is related to "A replica that is far behind."

Why do you guess instead of properly analyzing the problem?

Can you please run the query "select * from _<clustername>.sl_status;" 
twice on the master, waiting 5 minutes in between the runs and post the 
result here?

> Indeed Slony processes are redirected localy on the disk (/ partition)
> with log_level = 1. I don't used any log rotate mechanism

If the redirected Slony output is eating your space on the root 
partition, then using something like the Apache's rotatelogs or syslog 
would be a good way to fix that.

> There is free disk space (50GB) if need on /var/database partition or do
> you advise me to stop replication and rebuidl replication for scratch??

No, I suggest to figure out what the actual problem is. Do you knock 
down the house and build a new one if you find you cannot open the front 
door? Or do you call the locksmith to fix it?

I would also suggest to plan upgrading to a newer version of Slony.


Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither
liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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