Tignor, Tom ttignor at akamai.com
Fri Sep 23 05:45:03 PDT 2016
                Hello slony folks,
                I think this should be familiar territory for some: the doc has this example for performing controlled switchover.

A small slonik script executes the following commands:

lock set (id = 1, origin = 1);
wait for event (origin = 1, confirmed = 2);
move set (id = 1, old origin = 1, new origin = 2);
wait for event (origin = 1, confirmed = 2, wait on=1);

                It’s been noted that the first wait op needs a “wait on=1” arg.
                Questions: does it matter which node this script is run on?
                Is it also helpful to add waits with “wait on=2”? Or is it guaranteed (100% no timing issues) that waiting on the old origin node 1 insures that node 2 is ready to go as soon as the above-listed waits finish?
                Thanks in advance,

                Tom    ☺

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