Raghav ragavendra.dba at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 04:24:51 PDT 2013
Hi Again,

Sorry for my too many posts on beta :), its all my curiosity to test Beta.

Planned to upgrade 2.1.2 to 2.2.0Beta and steps followed as:

1. Stop all running slon proces on all nodes.
2. Install new Version of Slony 2.2.0B binaries.
3. As per documentation, its said to optimize the cleanup_interval
parameter to lower in seconds to trim data out of sl_log_1/sl_log_2 as
these tables layout has changed in newer version.
I have set cleanup_interval="10 seconds"

4. Execute SLONIK upgradation script.
5. Start slony with new binaries on all nodes.

My primary.conf (slave.conf also similar just the node information changed)

-bash-4.1$ more primary.conf
## Master Slon Conf:
cleanup_interval="10 seconds"
slon_config_cleanup_interval="5 seconds"
conn_info='dbname=postgres host=localhost user=postgres port=5432
sql_on_connection="SET log_min_duration_statement TO '1000';"

One row still existed in sl_log_1 while upgrading, which was not cleaned up
by SLON process:

postgres=# select * from _newbuild.sl_log_1 ;
 log_origin | log_txid | log_tableid | log_actionseq | log_cmdtype |
          1 |   592401 |           1 |             1 | I           | ("id")
values ('2')
(1 row)

Till, step 4 all went fine, and slony schema has been upgraded to latest:

postgres=# select substr(version(),1,26) as
     PostgreSQL-Version     | slonyversion
 PostgreSQL 9.2.3 on x86_64 | 2.2.0.b4
(1 row)

But, when I started slon process with new binaries, it has immediately
crashed with below error:

2013-06-16 10:04:23 IST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1_1: error executing COPY
OUT: "COPY ( select log_origin, log_txid, NULL::integer, log_actionseq,
NULL::text, NULL::text, log_cmdtype, NULL::integer, log_cmdargs from
"_newbuild".sl_log_script where log_origin = 1 and log_txid >=
"pg_catalog".txid_snapshot_xmax('592613:592613:') and log_txid < '592630'
and "pg_catalog".txid_visible_in_snapshot(log_txid, '592630:592630:') union
all select log_origin, log_txid, NULL::integer, log_actionseq, NULL::text,
NULL::text, log_cmdtype, NULL::integer, log_cmdargs from
"_newbuild".sl_log_script where log_origin = 1 and log_txid in (select *
from "pg_catalog".txid_snapshot_xip('592613:592613:') except select * from
"pg_catalog".txid_snapshot_xip('592630:592630:') ) union all select
log_origin, log_txid, log_tableid, log_actionseq, log_tablenspname,
log_tablerelname, log_cmdtype, log_cmdupdncols, log_cmdargs from
"_newbuild".sl_log_1 where log_origin = 1 and log_tableid in (1) and
log_txid >= '592613' and log_txid < '592630' and
"pg_catalog".txid_visible_in_snapshot(log_txid, '592630:592630:') union all
select log_origin, log_txid, log_tableid, log_actionseq, log_tablenspname,
log_tablerelname, log_cmdtype, log_cmdupdncols, log_cmdargs from
"_newbuild".sl_log_1 where log_origin = 1 and log_tableid in (1) and
log_txid in (select * from "pg_catalog".txid_snapshot_xip('592613:592613:')
except select * from "pg_catalog".txid_snapshot_xip('592630:592630:') )
order by log_actionseq) TO STDOUT" ERROR:  column "log_cmdtype" does not
LINE 1: ...::integer, log_actionseq, NULL::text, NULL::text, log_cmdtyp...
2013-06-16 10:04:23 IST DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_1: cleanup
2013-06-16 10:04:23 IST ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: SYNC aborted

What might be the issue ? Please advice me.

Thanks in advance

Blog: htt://raghavt.blogspot.com/
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