Raghav ragavendra.dba at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 01:53:45 PDT 2013
> I can reproduce this.  Replication stops and I see things in the slon log
> like:
> 2013-07-02 13:39:03 EDT INFO   remoteWorkerThread_1: syncing set 1 with 1
> table(s) from provider 1
> 2013-07-02 13:39:03 EDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1_1: error at end of
> COPY IN: ERROR:  Slony-I: type lookup for column name failed in logApply()
> CONTEXT:  COPY sl_log_1, line 1: "1     1068182 1       1       public
>  stest   I       0 {id,10,name,TEST}"
I couldn't able to generate this error within my setup, beyond any doubt I
may be doing something not right.
Its been a while am monitoring the logs after executing manual DDL on
replication table, replication doesn't crashes. But st_lag_time &
st_lag_num_events of sl_status keep increasing.

postgres=# select * from _newbuild.sl_status ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+---------------------------------
st_origin                 | 1
st_received               | 2
st_last_event             | 5000000041
st_last_event_ts          | 2013-06-15 19:52:38.989129+05:30
st_last_received          | 5000000021
st_last_received_ts       | 2013-06-15 23:17:10.608269+05:30
st_last_received_event_ts | 2013-06-15 19:49:18.801361+05:30
st_lag_num_events         | 20
st_lag_time               | 05:00:22.268792

> 2.  Interesting, neither DDL nor DML's captured by archives in this
>> version.
>> -bash-4.1$ fgrep -i alter *
>> -bash-4.1$ fgrep -i insert *
>> -bash-4.1$
> The DML actually is captured (at least for me) but the .sql files in 2.2
> use COPY not insert.
> Try
> fgrep -i stest *
> Mine looks like:
> COPY "_test"."sl_log_archive" ( log_origin, log_txid,log_tableid,log_**actionseq,log_tablenspname,
> log_tablerelname, log_cmdtype, log_cmdupdncols,log_cmdargs) FROM STDIN;
> 1       1068182 1       1       public  stest   I       0 {id,10,name,TEST}
Yeah, actually, I read in the BETA documentation about this section that
now data storing/transferring in sl_log_1/sl_log_2 has changed its protocol
to COPY  instead of DML events. I have watched this changes while testing
but due to dual versions testing I executed fgrep command with INSERT
instead of COPY. Thanks for correcting.

==> slony1_log_2_00000000000000000005.sql <==
-- start of Slony-I data
insert into "public"."stest" ("id") values ('103');

==> slony1_log_2_00000000000000000006.sql <==
COPY "_rep220"."sl_log_archive" ( log_origin,
log_txid,log_tableid,log_actionseq,log_tablenspname, log_tablerelname,
log_cmdtype, log_cmdupdnc
ols,log_cmdargs) FROM STDIN;
1       565688  1       2       public  stest   I       0       {id,1000}

> The DDL isn't captured though, this is an omission that we probably should
> fix.

Seems its not captured in earlier version too ? am i right. So it would be
a feature request to include DDLs in .sql files.

Also, are there places in the documentation where we need to be more clear
> on the changes in 2.2, particularly saying that the log shipping format has
> changed ? ( I am open to ideas on where)

Just two areas:

-a option section.

Blog: htt://raghavt.blogspot.com/
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