andrew andrew at
Mon Apr 22 15:45:34 PDT 2013
For some time now, we've been working with an older SuSE 11.3 server that had slony 1.1 (I think 1.1.2, possibly 1.1.5) on it.  Our remote servers were being replicated to by means of the log shipping setup.  As a result, the remote machines are all prepared for log files that have entries like the following:

select "_cpc_replic".setsyncTracking_offline(12, '476698', '476700', '2013-04-22 11:00:32.050019');

However, for the past week, I've been working on getting a new server (RHEL 6.4 virtual machine) in place as our primary replication box.  I couldn't get the old slony version to install on that correctly, so I ended up downloading and installing Slony 2.0.7 on it.  As a result, the logshipping files now no longer have the line above, they instead have a line much like the one below:

select "_cpc_replic".archiveTracking_offline('5945', '2013-04-22 11:07:38.617205');

How do I go about converting those?  My preference would be to modify the process itself so it goes back to generating the .setsyncTracking_offline statements, but if that cannot be done, where can I find a good set of instructions on converting our current database replication schemas to correctly handle the new statement types?
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