Efraín Déctor efraindector at motumweb.com
Fri Nov 9 08:26:22 PST 2012

Thank you for your response. If I understand correctly what I have to do is this: 

On the slon_tool.conf I have only to add this:

"set2" => {
"set_id" => 2,
"table_id" => 2,
"sequence_id" => 2,
"pkeyedtables" => ["testtable"],
#"keyedtables" => {},
#"sequences" => [],

And leave everything else intact (set 1, name of cluster, etc). Then I have to run this commands:

# slonik_create_set 2 | slonik 
# slonik_subscribe_set 2 2 | slonik (number of set: 2, number of node 2)
# slonik_subscribe_set 2 3 | slonik (number of set: 2, number of node 3)

Do I have to run slon_kill and then slon_start ?


From: Galen Charlton 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 9:58 AM
To: Efraín Déctor 
Cc: slony1-general at lists.slony.info 
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] Adding a table to replication using Altperl


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Efraín Déctor <efraindector at motumweb.com> wrote:

  Hello. I’ve read that it is possible to add a table to a running replication (http://slony.info/documentation/2.1/modifyingthings.html), currently I’m using altperl scripts to manage the replication, I would like to know if its possible to add a new table using altperl scripts, can you guys please point me in the right direction?.

One approach to take is to first define a new set in slon_tools.conf that includes the new table, then use the altperl tools to create the new set, subscribe nodes to it, then finally (if you want) merge the new set into the existing replication set.  If you do merge sets, the final step is to edit slon_tools.conf to remove the new set and and move the new table in the existing set.



Galen Charlton
Director of Implementation
Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
email:  gmc at esilibrary.com
direct: +1 770-709-5581
cell:   +1 404-984-4366
skype:  gmcharlt
web:    http://www.esilibrary.com/
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