Sergey Suleymanov solt at
Tue Jan 24 21:42:50 PST 2012
       Hello everybody, I need help.

  let's to say, there is a table:

\d molot.sens_data
 device_id  | integer                  | not null
 time_stamp | timestamp with time zone | not null
    "sens_data_device_id_key" UNIQUE, btree (device_id, time_stamp)

  slonik script:

create set (id=3, origin=1);
set add table ( set id=3, origin=1, id=32, 
                fully qualified name = 'molot.sens_data', 
                key = 'sens_data_device_id_key');
subscribe set ...

  Everything is ok, copy_set went well, replication has begun. Inserts are
  successfully, but updates and deletes are not.
  Append "serial primary key" column really don't want as long (table is
  about 250 mil records). Is there any other way?

  slony1 - 1.2.21, Pg - 8.4.9

  Sergey Suleymanov

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