Frank McGeough Frank.Mcgeough at
Tue Apr 26 07:59:17 PDT 2011
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Singer [mailto:ssinger at] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:50 AM
To: Frank McGeough
Cc: slony1-general at
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] dropping trigger on slave

On 11-04-26 10:41 AM, Frank McGeough wrote:
> I'm using Postgres 8.4 and Slony 1.2.20.
> My database replication configuration is a master with two slaves.
> I have a table "A" that is replicated. A trigger existed on table "A" that called a function that inserted into another table "B" that was replicated.
> I don't need to replicate table "B" anymore. I've removed it from the replication set.
> I'd like to clean up the trigger and function as well but, although I can easily drop these on the master, the slave trigger is hidden by slony.
> What is the approach used to drop unneeded triggers from slaves?

When your 'set drop table(....)' command was replicated to the slave it 
should have restored any hidden triggers on the slave.  Is this not the 

Is the deny access trigger still visible on the slave? If so I would 
suspect that the drop table event hasn't been replicated to the slave.


The drop table on table "B" worked fine. The problem that I have is that the trigger is on table "A" - which is still replicated. 

To state the question as generally as I can : how do you drop triggers within a Slony replicated system? There are always cases where you realize a trigger on a replicated table is no longer needed. What do you do in that case? What is the Slony prescribed procedure for dealing with that? 


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