Aleksey Tsalolikhin at
Thu Oct 7 11:08:52 PDT 2010
Hi.  We're using 1.2.20 right now.  It's not the latest version either
way you look at it.  Should we upgrade to 1.2.21 or 2.0.5?

We have 2 replication sets now: the whole shebang, and selected tables
and sequences.

It's working really well.

Our only pain points are listed below.  Would upgrading to 2.0.5
help with these?  Or if there is some other compelling reason to
move from 1.x branch to 2.x?  So far the only difference I was able
to fathom is that replicating sequences is much much more efficient
in 2.x.   Is there anything else?

Our pain points are:

-  the database runs a bit slower slower when replication is enabled.

   Slony seems to have quite a bit of overhead:

   I see it doing about 890  inserts per second, and same again for
   deletes.   that's 1780 SQL ops per second.

   By comparison, updates (and slony does not use updates AFAIK so this is
   my application's queries) run about 20 updates per second.

   I don't yet understand why we have a 1:89 ratio between updates by the
   application and Slony inserts/deletes.  I don't know Slony internals
   well enough yet.  But would going to 2.x change that ratio?
   We do replicate sequences.

- sometimes after the slave goes offline, or there is a WAN problem,
  the Nagios plug-in (check_slony) reports the slave
  as lagged, even after the slave and master are both online and can
  talk to each other -- restarting the slon master and slave resolves this.
  Otherwise the replication lag time does not decrement / catch up, but
  falls further behind with the clock.

So do we have a good reason to go to 2.x?  Or should we let it shake out
a bit longer?


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