Jeff threshar at
Thu May 20 09:18:11 PDT 2010
On May 20, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Jeff wrote:

> it happened again - wanted to get this post out before I do more  
> digging:
> table summary as an on delete cascade FK into sourcereports.
> we delete from sourcereports.
> the RI trigger deletes from summary (5700) but does not fire the log  
> trigger yet.
> we go on our merry way nuking events.
> then my summary update trigger runs - the delete inside it does  
> nothing due to the FK already nuking the row then proceeds to insert  
> into it.
> then we execute the slon logger for the original FK delete and it  
> records a delete record after the insert.
> then someone comes along and loads a new report for the same  
> sourceid (to avoid confusion, it is a company identifier)
> I need to flesh this out a bit more but I think it is related, I'll  
> report back in a bit with more details.

I have a test case here - turns out the bug is ultimately in my code  
and there is really nothing slony can do about it. but I figure for  
the good of the world, I'll present my findings.

we have a table testsource and another table testsummary which has an  
on delete fk to testsource(id).
I added a number of triggers onto them to simulate slony and my own  

indie=> insert into testsource(company) values (2);
NOTICE:  logger - OP: INSERT REL: testsource WHEN: AFTER
NOTICE:  update summary
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: BEFORE
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  logger - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
indie=> select * from testsource;
  id | company | data
   2 |       2 |
(1 row)

things look sane.
now lets nuke it:

indie=> delete from testsource where id = 2;
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: DELETE REL: testsummary WHEN: BEFORE
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "DELETE FROM ONLY "public"."testsummary" WHERE  
$1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "source_id""
NOTICE:  logger - OP: DELETE REL: testsource WHEN: AFTER
NOTICE:  update summary
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: BEFORE
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  logger - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: INSERT REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "insert into testsummary (company, source_id)  
values ( $1 ,  $2 )"
PL/pgSQL function "testupdatesummary" line 18 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  logger - OP: DELETE REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER
NOTICE:  tabaction - OP: DELETE REL: testsummary WHEN: AFTER

first we see a before trigger for the FK fire.
then we log our delete from testsource, which fires the summary update  
since the summary for that company is gone we do not delete and just  
insert and log that.
after that the after trigger from the fk delete is fired, which logs.

so the main bug is the FK in testsummary is wrong and not needed. the  
other is the ordering of operations from there, but I don't think  
slony can do anything about it.  it is a bit interesting the FK stuff  
occurs in an odd sequence though. I would have expected the after  
triggers to fire after the fk induced delete...

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Jeff Trout <jeff at>

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