Scott Marlowe scott.marlowe at
Wed Jun 9 00:54:22 PDT 2010
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:37 AM, Alexander V Openkin <open at> wrote:
> Tnx for the quick answer,
> but if you run all slon process (for your replication cluster)
> you must have standalone server with 32G ?
> I think this is unnatural )

No, definitely not.  VIRT is everything the process has ever touched,
including shared memory and all libs whether or not they've actually
been loaded or not.  It's not uncommon to have literally a hundred
processes with 8G+VIRT on my 32Gig db servers, because most of that 8G
is shred buffers.  It's not using that much memory individually, it's
using shared_memory, and each process reports that it has access to
and has touched that 8G.

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