Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Thu May 28 18:21:05 PDT 2009

I have compiled slony1-2.0.2 on Solaris x86 10U6 with the SUN-supplied  
PostgreSQL 8.3.

When I want to run it, I get:
-bash-3.00# slonik < initcluster
<stdin>:6: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/slony1_funcs';  - ERROR:   
could not access file "$libdir/slony1_funcs": No such file or directory
<stdin>:6: Error: the extension for the Slony-I C functions cannot be  
loaded in database 'host=localhost dbname=pgbench user=postgres  

Is it possible to see where it's actually looking for that file?
It is available:
-bash-3.00# ls -l /usr/postgres/8.3/lib/slony1_funcs.so
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       51376 Mai 28 03:06 /usr/postgres/ 

How do I debug that best?

I have installed:
-bash-3.00# pkginfo |grep postg
system      SUNWpostgr-82-libs             PostgreSQL 8.2 client  
system      SUNWpostgr-83-client           PostgreSQL client tools
system      SUNWpostgr-83-contrib          PostgreSQL community  
contributed tools not part of core product
system      SUNWpostgr-83-devel            PostgreSQL development  
tools and header files
system      SUNWpostgr-83-libs             PostgreSQL client libraries
system      SUNWpostgr-83-pl               PostgreSQL additional Perl,  
Python & TCL server procedural languages
system      SUNWpostgr-83-server           PostgreSQL database server
system      SUNWpostgr-83-server-data-root PostgreSQL database server  
data directories and root components
system      SUNWpostgr-83S                 PostgreSQL (Source)
system      SUNWpostgr-jdbc                JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL


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