Melvin Davidson melvin6925 at
Tue May 26 08:15:46 PDT 2009
PostgreSQL 8.3.7
Slony 2.0.2

It appears that the cleanup_interval parameter is not being read from the slon.conf.

It is my understanding that if a parameter is not specified in the slon command line, it takes it from the slon.conf.

In my slon.conf I have:

Title = "slon"

# Which logfile group...
Logfile = /var/lib/pgsql/slony/slon.log
cleanup_interval="60 minutes"

# Only give lines pertaining to the sshd service...
*OnlyService = slon


My startup command is:

source $HOME/.bash_profile
slon -d1 -c0 $MAS_CLUSTER "dbname=$REPDB user=$REPLICATIONUSER host=$MASTERHOST port=$PGPORT" > slon.log &

Yet, when I check the slon.log, I see

2009-05-26 09:32:41 EDT CONFIG main: String option cleanup_interval = 10 minutes

So either the cleanup_interval parameter is not being accepted, or I have misread the documentation. Also, the documentation does not specify the intervals accepted. Ideally, I would like to set this to "24 hours" or "1 day" but I am not sure if that is permissible.

Melvin Davidson 
Folk Alley - All Folk - 24 Hours a day

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