Troy Wolf troy at
Tue Jun 2 11:02:46 PDT 2009
> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 18:17:17 +0500
> From: "owais" <owais at>

> 1)      What is the procedure to stop replication process? Can anyone
> present me a sample shell script?
> 2)      Is it possible to toggle master and slave? I only have 1 master
> database and 1 slave. Can I change slave to master?

First, a disclaimer--I am not a Slony expert, but I did stay in a Holiday
Inn Express last night.

To start and stop the slon processes, since I run on SUSE Linux, I use a
SUSE style init script. I cannot take credit for most of this because I got
it from someone else--don't remember who. It works great. Below, I'll post
the contents of the init script along with a "slony_vars" file. You'll need
to read through both to figure out the parts you need to change. Also, I
pipe slon logs through cronolog to handle rotation at midnight (one log file
per day). You don't have to do this, but it's simple to use and configure.

FILENAME: /path/to/your/slony/scripts/
I stripped this file down for generic purposes here. In my application, it
has a case statement
that is used to output slightly different files based on the host machine.
The purpose is to
output constants that are used in all slonik scripts and the init script.

if [ -z "$SLONY_DIR" ]; then

# This script may get included more than once, so create these variables if
# already initialized.
if [ -z "$CLUSTERNAME" ]; then


    HOST1_DSN=3D"host=3D$HOST1 dbname=3D$HOST1_DBNAME user=3D$SLONY_USER"

    HOST2_DBNAME=3Dyour_slave_db_name  # Perhaps same as master name.
    HOST2_DSN=3D"host=3D$HOST2 dbname=3D$HOST2_DBNAME user=3D$SLONY_USER"

    # Create the slonik preamble -- the common stuff you have to do in every
    echo "# This file is written by - DO NOT EDIT." >
    echo "# Cluster definition common to all slonik scripts." >>
    echo "cluster name =3D $CLUSTERNAME;" >> $SLONY_DIR/slonik_preamble.txt
    echo "node 1 admin conninfo =3D '$HOST1_DSN';"  >>
    echo "node 2 admin conninfo =3D '$HOST2_DSN';"  >>
    chmod 666 "$SLONY_DIR/slonik_preamble.txt"

    # Generate the slon conf file used by the slon process on startup.
    echo "# This file generated by the slony init script - DO NOT EDIT!" >
    echo "# The slon process uses these options on startup." >> $SLON_CONFIG
    echo "cluster_name=3D\"$CLUSTERNAME\"" >> $SLON_CONFIG
    echo "conn_info=3D\"$HOST1_DSN\"" >> $SLON_CONFIG
    echo "pid_file=3D\"$SLONY_DIR/\"" >> $SLON_CONFIG
    echo "sync_group_maxsize=3D1000" >> $SLON_CONFIG
    echo "log_level=3D1" >> $SLON_CONFIG
    chmod 666 "$SLON_CONFIG"

FILENAME: /etc/init.d/slony
This is a Suse style init script. I got this from someone else and modified
for my use.
Once in place, and with Suse-style rc aliases, you can do as root:
  # rcslony start
  # rcslony stop
# /etc/init.d/slony
# Provides:          slony
# Required-Start:    $syslog $local_fs $network $time postgresql
# Should-Start:      sendmail
# Required-Stop:     $syslog $local_fs
# Should-Stop:
# Default-Start:     3 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: Slony database replication
# Description:       Start the slon listener to enable
#                 Slony to communicate with other nodes in the cluster

# Location of the slony scripts.

# I created a where I set a lot of global variables to be
# by all Slony scripts.
test -r $SLONY_DIR/ || { echo "$SLONY_DIR/ does
not exist";
        if [ "$1" =3D "stop" ]; then exit 0;
        else exit 6; fi; }

# Read the slony variables


# Make sure the file is good.
test -r $SLON_CONFIG || { echo "$SLON_CONFIG does not exist";
        if [ "$1" =3D "stop" ]; then exit 0;
        else exit 6; fi; }

# Check for missing binaries (stale symlinks should not happen)
# Note: Special treatment of stop for LSB conformance
test -x $SLON_BIN || { echo "$SLON_BIN not installed";
if [ "$1" =3D "stop" ]; then exit 0;
else exit 5; fi; }

# I use cronolog to handle logging and log file rotation.
test -x $CRONOLOG_BIN || { echo "$CRONOLOG_BIN not installed";
if [ "$1" =3D "stop" ]; then exit 0;
else exit 5; fi; }

. /etc/rc.status

# Reset status of this service

case "$1" in

echo -n "Starting slon "
## Start daemon with startproc(8). If this fails
## the return value is set appropriately by startproc.
/sbin/startproc -v -u postgres $SLON_BIN -f $SLON_CONFIG 2>&1 |

# Remember status and be verbose
rc_status -v

echo -n "Shutting down slon "
## Stop daemon with killproc(8) and if this fails
## killproc sets the return value according to LSB.

/sbin/killproc -TERM $SLON_BIN

# Remember status and be verbose
rc_status -v

## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
## running or not, start it again.
$0 stop
$0 start

# Remember status and be quiet

echo -n "Checking for service slon "
## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running
## checkproc will return with exit status 0.

# Return value is slightly different for the status command:
# 0 - service up and running
# 1 - service dead, but /var/run/  pid  file exists
# 2 - service dead, but /var/lock/ lock file exists
# 3 - service not running (unused)
# 4 - service status unknown :-(
# 5--199 reserved (5--99 LSB, 100--149 distro, 150--199 appl.)

# NOTE: checkproc returns LSB compliant status values.
/sbin/checkproc $SLON_BIN
# NOTE: rc_status knows that we called this init script with
# "status" option and adapts its messages accordingly.
rc_status -v

echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
exit 1

There are 2 main ways you make the slave into master.

  1. Switchover

  2. Failover

A "Fail over" is a concept as well as an actual slonik command. This is an
irreversible action. That is, it is assumed the master has crashed. Once
you've repaired the master, you'd have to re-setup Slony from scratch on it.
(which is not really that difficult once you've figured it out and scripted
your table set creation)

A "Switch over" is really just "moving" a replication set from one node to
another. That is, making a different node the "originator" of the data. The
magical part is that all the slony triggers are dropped and re-created
appropriately on the nodes so you can now insert on the new "master" db
while the new slave(s) are protected from manual updates. We use switchover
in testing our disaster recovery strategy. It is safe and fast to do.
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