cbbrowne cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info
Thu Jan 29 07:42:43 PST 2009
Steven Graham wrote:
> I've got a table public.table_one, is it possible to replicate this 
> table to a different schema? eg: fooschema.table_one.
> From what I can tell there isn't anything in the slon_tools.conf to 
> indicate this would be possible and I didn't see anythign in the docs.
In principle, it ought to be possible to do such a thing, but Slony-I 
doesn't have a way to indicate the change in table name, and I have 
thought a bit about this, and haven't arrived at any reasonably elegant 
way to configure this sort of capability.  It's a capability that seems 
plausible enough that several people have thought of it, but it hasn't 
gotten to the "irritation point" where it was worth saying "let's drop 
everything and figure out how to MAKE this happen."

If we knew how to configure it, implementation ought to be not too 
wildly difficult ;-).

output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "ca.afilias.info")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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