Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Sep 25 08:40:48 PDT 2008
TroyWolf <troy at> writes:

> Casey Duncan wrote:
>> - Use many small table sets instead of one big one. This means you  
>> may need multiple execute script statements, but each one will lock  
>> fewer tables at once.
> See this note from the middle of this page of the Slony Documentation:
> Slony Documentation wrote:
>> You may be able to define replication sets that consist of smaller sets of
>> tables so that fewer locks need to be taken in order for the DDL script to
>> make it into place.
>> If a particular DDL script only affects one table, it should be
>> unnecessary to lock all application tables.
>>     Note: Actually, as of version 1.1.5 and later, this is NOT TRUE. The
>> danger of someone making DDL changes that crosses replication sets seems
>> sufficiently palpable that slon has been changed to lock ALL replicated
>> tables, whether they are in the specified replication set or not. 
> If I'm reading the docs correctly, breaking tables into multiple table sets
> no longer helps with locking issues. Correct?

output = reverse("gro.mca" "@" "enworbbc")
"One often contradicts  an opinion when what is  uncongenial is really
the tone in which it was conveyed." -- Nietzsche

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