Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Mon Sep 8 16:07:12 PDT 2008
ries van Twisk <slony at> writes:
> hey All,
> when I try to use execute script in slonik it always seems to fail
> with the following error :
> bash-3.2$ ./alter-table
> DDL script consisting of 3 SQL statements
> DDL Statement 0: (0,59) [ALTER TABLE mytesttable ADD COLUMN test text;]
> DDL Statement 1: (59,62) []
> DDL Statement 2: (62,64) []
> <stdin>:15: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR  - ERROR:  syntax error at or near ""
> LINE 1:
>         ^
> Press any key to continue...
> This is how my exec script command looks like :
>     execute script (
>         set id = 1,
>         filename = '/tmp/alter',
>         event node = 1
>     );
> Is this a bug do you think??
> Ries

There may be a bug in the SQL parser; if I can get a copy of
/tmp/alter (which I would tend to think contains "ALTER TABLE
mytesttable ADD COLUMN test text;", plus 2 blank lines), that would be
handy for verification purposes.
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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