Jérôme Jouanin jerome at jfg-networks.net
Fri Sep 5 05:52:31 PDT 2008
The environment is Linux Debian Etch, PG8.3.3 and SlonyI 1.2.13.
The problem I have actually is in execution of slonik_move_set :
*<stdin>:12: Locking down set 1 on node 24
<stdin>:14: Locked down - moving it
<stdin>:15: NOTICE:  Slony-I: alterTableForReplication(): multiple instances
of trigger $TRIGGER on table $TABLE
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "$SLONY_SCHEMA".alterTableForReplication(
$1 )"
PL/pgSQL function "moveset_int" line 181 at PERFORM
<stdin>:15: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "$SLONY_SCHEMA".moveSet(1, 22);  -
ERROR:  Slony-I: Unable to disable triggers
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "$SLONY_SCHEMA".alterTableForReplication(
$1 )"
PL/pgSQL function "moveset_int" line 181 at PERFORM
SQL statement "SELECT  "$SLONY_SCHEMA".moveSet_int( $1 ,  $2 ,  $3 , 0)"
PL/pgSQL function "moveset" line 61 at PERFORM*

In Slony documentation I've read this :


   *NOTICE: Slony-I: alterTableForReplication(): multiple instances of
   trigger % on table %'',*

   * This normally happens if you have a table that had a trigger attached
   to it that replication hid due to this being a subscriber node, and then=
   added a trigger by the same name back to replication. Now, when trying to
   "fix up" triggers, those two triggers conflict. *

   * The DDL script will keep running and rerunning, or the UNINSTALL NODE
   will keep failing, until you drop the "visible" trigger, by hand, much as
   you must have added it, by hand, earlier. *

   *ERROR: Slony-I: Unable to disable triggers*

   * This is the error that follows the "multiple triggers" problem. *

An history mistake was a possibility, but executing the select of
altertableforreplication trigger ...

*select pc.relname, tg1.tgname from
"pg_catalog".pg_trigger tg1,

"pg_catalog".pg_trigger tg2,
"pg_catalog".pg_class pc,
"pg_catalog".pg_index pi,
_ob2replication.sl_table tab
tg1.tgname =3D tg2.tgname and        -- Trigger names match

tg1.tgrelid =3D tab.tab_reloid and   -- trigger 1 is on the table
pi.indexrelid =3D tg2.tgrelid and    -- trigger 2 is on the index
pi.indrelid =3D tab.tab_reloid and   -- indexes table is this table
pc.oid =3D tab.tab_reloid*

... returns no result on spare server to move set to.

Has anybody an idea about my problem ?

J=E9r=F4me Jouanin
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