"Stéphane A. Schildknecht" stephane.schildknecht at postgresqlfr.org
Mon Oct 13 04:10:50 PDT 2008
Hash: SHA1

Stuart Bishop a écrit :
>>>> I'm setting us up a separate staging / test server and I want to read
>>>> in a pg_dump of our current origin stripping out all the slony stuff.
>>>> I was thinking this could serve two purposes a) test out backups
>>>> restore properly and b) provide us with us with the staging / test
>>>> server
>>>> What's the best way to remove all the slony bits?
>>> Well, you can always just drop the slony schema (with a cascade) -
>>> that should do it.
>> Not quite.  There are two things that *doesn't* hit:
> So what was the final recommended process for building a stand alone
> database from a pg_dump of a replicated node?
> pg_dump --oids --format=c --file=master.dump master_db
> createdb staging_db
> pg_restore -d staging_db master.dump
> slonik << EOM
> cluster name = sl;
> node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=staging_db user=slony';
> uninstall node (id = 1);
> This process dies on the last step with:
> <stdin>:3: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_sl".uninstallNode();  - ERROR:
> Slony-I: alterTableRestore(): Table with id 1 not found
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_sl".alterTableRestore( $1 )"
> PL/pgSQL function "uninstallnode" line 14 at PERFORM
> Failed to exec uninstallNode() for node 1
> So if I'm reading this thread correctly, the alternative is 'DROP _sl
> CASCADE;', which doesn't do a full cleanup. Is there no supported
> disaster recovery procedure?


What you can do is call the uninstallnode() procedure.

It is located in the replication schema.

You can call it like that :
select _replication.uninstallnode();

You should recover all tables in their normal state.
Be sure your dump are done on master. Otherwise you will certainly lose

Best regards,
- --
Stéphane Schildknecht
PostgreSQLFr - http://www.postgresql.fr
Dalibo - http://www.dalibo.com
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