bijayant kumar bijayant4u at
Mon Jun 30 06:29:27 PDT 2008
Hello list,

I am a very new user of slony1 so please forgive me if i am asking very stupid question. 
I have installed Postgresql and Slony1 on two gentoo machine. Postgresql is working fine no problem at all. I want to use Slony1 to replicate the two databases across the systems. To understand the slony1 concept i made a 
test database with one single table and only one entry into it. But when i start slony1 i get error like

2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST ERROR  cannot get sl_local_node_id - ERROR:  schema "_bijayant" does not exist
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST FATAL  main: Node is not initialized properly - sleep 10s

Now i am giving here my configuration details.

/* Master Server */
IP Address
Database name bijayant
Table name kavach

bijayant=# select * from kavach;
 id |   name   | designation |   address
  1 | Bijayant | consultant  | Lakkasandra
(1 row)

vi /etc/slon_tools.conf

    require $ENV{"SLONYNODES"};
} else {
    $CLUSTER_NAME = 'bijayant';
    $LOGDIR = '/var/log/slony';
    $MASTERNODE = 1;
    add_node(node     => 1,
             host     => '',
             dbname   => 'bijayant',
             port     => 5432,
             user     => 'bijayant',
             password => 'bijayant');

    add_node(node     => 2,
             host     => '',
             dbname   => 'bijayant',
             port     => 5432,
             user     => 'bijayant',
             password => 'bijayant',
             parent => 1

                "set1" => {
                           "set_id" => 1,
                           "pkeyedtables" => [
if ($ENV{"SLONYSET"}) {
    require $ENV{"SLONYSET"};


vi /etc/conf.d/slony1

/* On the Slave Server */

IP Address
Database name bijayant
Table name kavach

vi /etc/slon_tools.conf

    require $ENV{"SLONYNODES"};
} else {
    $CLUSTER_NAME = 'bijayant';
    $LOGDIR = '/var/log/slony';
    # SYNC check interval (slon -s option)
    # $SYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000;
    $MASTERNODE = 1;
    add_node(node     => 1,
             host     => '',
             dbname   => 'bijayant',
             port     => 5432,
             user     => 'bijayant',
             password => 'bijayant');

    add_node(node     => 2,
             host     => '',
             dbname   => 'bijayant',
             port     => 5432,
             user     => 'bijayant',
             password => 'bijayant',
             parent => 1
    "set1" => {
               "set_id" => 1,
                "pkeyedtables" => [

if ($ENV{"SLONYSET"}) {
    require $ENV{"SLONYSET"};


vi /etc/conf.d/slony1

When i start the slony1 /etc/init.d/slony1 start on both the machine it generates lots of logs with errors line like

2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon_retry() from pid=19007
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG1 slon: retry requested
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon: notify worker process to shutdown
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon: child terminated status: 0; pid: 19007, current worker pid: 19007
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG1 slon: restart of worker
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST CONFIG main: slon version 1.2.10 starting up
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon: watchdog process started
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon: watchdog ready - pid = 19005
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST DEBUG2 slon: worker process created - pid = 19034
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST ERROR  cannot get sl_local_node_id - ERROR:  schema "_bijayant" does not exist
2008-06-30 15:54:55 IST FATAL  main: Node is not initialized properly - sleep 10s

I am sure that i am not understanding some basic things about the slony1. Can anybody help me to understand the logic, i will be very helpful for you all. Please tell me what i am doing wrong here, what should i do. I have read the documentation at the website but not able to understand fully. Please help me out.

Thanks & Regards,
Bijayant Kumar

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