Damian Quiroga dquiroga at integratech.com.ar
Wed Jun 11 20:09:03 PDT 2008

I'm replicating a database with about a hundred tables using slony. I have a
master node and a slave node.

The memory usage of the slon processes are normally only a few MB. I have
noticed however that adding a table named cdr.cdr_20080611 to the
replication causes the memory use of the slon process for the slave node to
raise to about 161 MB. even if the table is empty.

After many tests I realized that the reason for this behavior is that I am
using table id 20080611 when I add this table to a set. If I use a smaller
table id, say 1000 this doesn't happen.

According to my tests, the higher the table id the higher the memory usage
on the slon process for the slave node. I think this is a bug since by
choosing a high enough table id the memory consumption can become *very*

I would appreciate it if you tell me what you think about that.

By the way, I'm using slony 1.2.10 (but I haven't seen anything about this
topic in the release notes for newer versions)


Dami=E1n Quiroga
Integratech S.A
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