Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Mon Feb 25 11:48:13 PST 2008
"Matt Magoffin" < at> writes:
>> I'd expect that to work OK, but with one pretty big "foot gun" in
>> play, namely the fact that the XML type does validation.  That
>> provides the risk that if you ever put invalid XML into the column in
>> the 8.1 database, the attempt to INSERT/UPDATE it on the 8.3 instance
>> will fail, and replication will fail (until/unless you delete the
>> offending tuples from sl_log_[12] by hand).  That would be a nice way
>> to really muss up the cluster.
> That's great! I know every XML document is well-formed, and I have loaded
> all the data into an xml type column using pg_restore without errors. So
> I'll move forward with validating this approach (replicating using Slony).

Yes, I'd strongly recommend trying this out in a test environment
before unleashing it on production :-).
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"We should start referring to processes which run in the background by
their correct technical name:... paenguins."  -- Kevin M Bealer

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