Ow Mun Heng Ow.Mun.Heng at wdc.com
Fri Feb 22 14:06:48 PST 2008
On Fri, 2008-02-22 at 21:31 +0000, Christopher Browne wrote:
> Craig James <craig_james at emolecules.com> writes:
> > Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> >> I came to work today and seems like the slave server died. (power trip?
> >> No it was not connected to a UPS :-()
> >> I've not been able to locate/determine if the slave is really dead or
> >> otherwise and it's the weekend in Asia and there's no one in the office
> >> till Next week.
> >> As of now, the master is still trying to contact the slave (slon is
> >> still running on the master) and log_1 and log_2 is filling up.
> >> And yesterday, I just created a job to manually force the log_switch
> >> to
> >> occur. So, right now, I'm at a loss as to what i can do.
> >
> > Just kill all of the Slony daemons.  Next week when the other server
> > is back, start them again.  It will figure out what it missed, and
> > will catch up with no problems.
> That's not quite accurate...
> If you kill ALL the daemons, and don't have *something* maintaining
> the creation of SYNCs (e.g. - a script running the "generate_sync()"
> stored function), then there will be one really gigantic SYNC covering
> the interval of [time slon for origin died] until [time slon for
> origin restarted].

I remember reading that in the docs, but I took the advise anyway and
killed the slon daemon a few hours ago.

> a) Set up generate_sync() cron job, and kill all slons.

Where is this generate_sync() anyway? I only saw a
generate_sync_event(interval) stored function in the cluster DB.

> b) Increase the various sync parms for the slon for the origin node;
> -s 60000 and -t 120000 will mean you SYNC once per minute, when things
> are busy.
> That reduces the work level a bit., either way.

Thanks. I've already restarted the process on the origin with 
slon -c2 -d2 -s60000 -t 120000 (actually I was already using -s60000)

I guess my concern now is that the slon logs are filling up and going
past the 2GB threshold (for both log_1 and 2 which would mean that
there's not going to be much help in gettting things back to speed when
next week comes)

Thanks guys. Appreciate the comments/advise.

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