ries van Twisk slony at rvt.dds.nl
Sat Aug 30 06:12:49 PDT 2008
Hey All,

I have a general question about if I can slony use for the following  

I need to replicate a group of tables from server A to server B once a  
week (once a day for other tables).
This is because for this application they prepare the data during the  
days and at some point it needs to get
pushed out to server B.

Currently I have done using a a simple cron job that executes a stored  
procedure that copies
all data with DBLINK from server A to server B.

The problem is that if the schema changes I need to change it at 3  
locations, storedprocedure where
I execute DBLINK, server A and server B. To eliminate changing the  
stored procedure
I was thinking to use slony with the below slonik commands. Server B  
only handle select statements for reporting.

create set ( id = 998, origin = 1, comment = 'Temporary set' );
set add table ( set id = 998, origin = 1, id = 5, full qualified name  
= 'Table A', comment = '' );
set add table ( set id = 998, origin = 1, id = 6, full qualified name  
= 'Table B', comment = '' );
... more tables

subscribe set ( id = 998, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes);
sync (id=1);
wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=2, wait on=1);
merge set (id=1, add id = 998, origin=1);

set drop table (origin = 1, id = 3);
sync (id=1);

Would that be a good idea using slony or are there other tools that  
are more suited for this job?

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