Cyril SCETBON scetbon at
Tue Aug 12 07:08:56 PDT 2008

Cyril SCETBON wrote:
> Hi,
> We're using slony 1.2.10 and documentation says :
> / As of version 1.2, "log switching" functionality is in place; every 
> so often, it seeks to switch between storing data in sl_log_1 
> <file:///tmp/.fr-HbzwQF/slony1-1.2.10/doc/adminguide/> 
> and sl_log_2 
> <file:///tmp/.fr-HbzwQF/slony1-1.2.10/doc/adminguide/> 
> so that it may seek to TRUNCATE the "elder" data.
> /
> However, I cannot catch any flip/flop stage. I've searched in sources 
> and I can't find logswitch_start function call except in code slonik.c
> Do I have to use this command or is it really supposed to be done 
> automatically ?
The only calls I see are logswitch_finish and logswitch_weekly. If I 
understand correctly flip/flop occurs once a week. As we have a lot of 
statement, I should use logswitch_start manually if I want it to happen 
more often. But what means "every so often" in the documentation ? (see 


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