Shoaib Mir shoaibmir at
Mon Apr 7 17:32:59 PDT 2008
While trying out different scenarios in Slony (ver 1.2.9) I came across the

When I did a failover on a node and made it back online again without doing
an uninstall or delete on it, I was still able to see it in the sl_node
table with active status and this is why when I did a subscribe again for
the failed node (without a delete) I didnt get any error through slonik and
I could see the entry in sl_subscribe for the failed node but the
replication was not working for this node.

Now in the other scenario when I did a store node and store node (without
subscribe) for a fresh node to a cluster I could see in the sl_node table
having exactly the same kind of entry as the failed node in sl_node table.

I will like to know how can I differentiate between a failed node and a
recently added node (without subscriptions) from the slony catalog tables?

Thank you,

Shoaib Mir
Fujitsu Australia Software Technology
shoaibm at
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