Tomeh, Husam htomeh at
Wed Mar 21 18:34:53 PDT 2007
 I strongly disagree with you. Any decent RDBMS such as Postgres should and I think will have eventually a decent upgrade and migration tool rather than using the conventional time-consuming dump and reload. What if your db is in terabyte size like many enterprise-level ones nowadays!  I think this an essential tool for enterprise postgres implementations. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Andrew Sullivan" <ajs at>
To: "slony1-general at" <slony1-general at>
Sent: 21-Mar-07 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] using slony to migrate large database from pg8.1 to pg8.2

On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 10:15:43AM -0700, Tomeh, Husam wrote:

> Hopefully it'll be integrated to the core distribution of postgres.

_Please_, not this chestnut again.  What is this "core distribution
of Postgres" that people keep talking about?  This is a PostgreSQL
community project, supported with PostgreSQL community resources
(pgfoundry).  It is an important tool, but there is no reason
whatever to "integrate" it with the "core distribution".

Nobody thinks vi should be part of the kernel, just because vi is on
every usable UNIX in the world (pick some other "basic" program if
you like.  Perhaps mkdir?).  It's a separate program.  It happens
to be shipped together in the same (perhaps virtual) box, but that
doesn't make it any less of a part of the working system.  


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
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