cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info
Wed Mar 7 05:25:07 PST 2007
> Dear Andrew
> Your right, the postgresql.conf and the Server OS kernel parameters are
> not tuned. After tuning the replication working fine.
> Thank you for your tech-help.

It's worth observing that while there is a certain amount of "magical
complexity" involved in replication (the way that one or two of the
queries are generated are pretty frightful to try to understand!),
ultimately it all runs as pretty plain, ordinary database operations.

Those operations are:

- All susceptible to any database configuration problems (as you

- Happily, they should also be susceptible to being fixed by common
improvements to the tuning of the DBMS;

- Susceptible to being reported in the logs, which should give you a
handle to be able to notice them (even if the query may be too "magic" to
understand :-)).

The work you do to tune the DBMS will help Slony-I too, which is good news...

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