Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Jul 3 11:12:24 PDT 2007
Bill Moran <wmoran at> writes:
> Postgresl 8.1.9 replicating to 8.1.8 using Slony 1.2.6.
> I have a number of "timestamp with time zone" columns that simply will
> not replicate correctly and I'm stumped to the point of insanity as
> to why.
> On both systems, the database is set to est5edt timezone, yet some
> rows (not all, mind you) change the timezone from edt to est when
> the data is replicated.
> It's always the same rows, but not all rows in the table.
> This has obviously got something to do with the data, but I'm befuddled
> as to what to do about it, or even how to determine the exact nature
> of the problem.  New rows are being added to this table all the time
> and they are replicated correctly, it seems as if it's always the same
> rows that magically switch timezones during replication.
> I've gone so far as to completely deinstall Slony from this database and
> rebuild the Slony config from scratch, and it still does the exact same
> thing.
> Any help will be met with great appreciation.

It sounds like you've got a resolution (namely where there is
evidently differing interpretation of timezones between PG 8.1.8 and

Could I get some samples of timestamptz values that caused you grief,
to stow them in as sample data somewhere?  

I'm not sure that I'll necessarily set up a test case to be regularly
run to test this scenario, but adding a few tuples to one of the tests
is cheap, so we might as well have the data...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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