Jan Wieck JanWieck at Yahoo.com
Fri Aug 31 06:44:37 PDT 2007
On 8/31/2007 8:09 AM, Trinath Somanchi wrote:
> Jan Wieck wrote:
>> On 8/31/2007 4:05 AM, Trinath Somanchi wrote:
>>>>     What is the difference between these two Versions ?
>>>> Seems you could notice it from the changelog.
>>>> For me, 1.2.11 is newer and better.
>>>  Can you  please send me the link to change log . I wanted to know 
>>> why two versions are maintained  .
>> The 1.1 branch is not maintained any more. The last version in the 
>> branch (1.1.9) is available for download, in case users of 1.1.x want 
>> to upgrade to the last release in their current branch instead of 
>> upgrading to 1.2.x which contains functional changes to 1.1.
> Can you be more clear on what is the MAJOR difference between versions 
> 1.1.9 and 1.2.11  . why the 1.1 family stopped , is 1.1.9 is stable  @ 
> 1.1 family ........

It is all detailed in the release notes:


Highlights would be

   - redesign of process structure (watchdog thread)
   - handling of large attributes (memory)
   - log switching
   - reduction of pg_listener use
   - splitting DDL scripts into separate statements


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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