Andrew Hammond at
Mon Aug 13 11:48:48 PDT 2007
The table(s) you are trying to drop has a FK reference to a table which is
replicated. The replicated table on the subscriber has a trigger to
implement the foreign key, but as it is a subscriber, that trigger has been
disabled and the slony "don't touch" trigger is in place instead. When you
attempt to drop the table, the database tries to remove the FK trigger,
which fires the "don't touch" trigger causing everything to break.

There are two ways you can drop the unsubscribed table(s):
1) re-add the table on the origin and use a slonik execute ddl to drop it
2) muck around with internal slony functions.

If you _must_ do it the second way (although I can't imagine why you'd need
to, and you certainly don't want to) then please email back to the list for
more detailed instructions.


On 8/13/07, Richard Yen <dba at> wrote:
> Sorry, I think we're not on the same page re. this issue.
> > The *right* way to drop a table from replication is to first of all
> > run the slonik "SET DROP TABLE" command against the table.
> >
> I have in fact run SET DROP TABLE on the table prior to attempting to
> drop the table from schema.  The table (new_gm_qm_set) doesn't show
> up in sl_table:
> mydb=3D# select * from _myslony.sl_table where tab_relname =3D
> 'new_gm_qm_set';
> tab_id | tab_reloid | tab_relname | tab_nspname | tab_set |
> tab_idxname | tab_altered | tab_comment
> --------+------------+-------------+-------------+---------
> +-------------+-------------+-------------
> (0 rows)
> > When that is processed, on the origin, the "logtrigger" trigger gets
> > removed.
> > When that is processed, on subscribers, the "denyaccess" trigger gets
> > removed, and the constraints get fixed up.
> >
> The logtrigger on the desired table for deletion (new_gm_qm_set ) is
> already gone:
> mydb=3D# \d new_gm_qm_set;
>                               Table "public.new_gm_qm_set"
>       Column     |  Type   |                         Modifiers
> ----------------+---------
> +------------------------------------------------------------
> id             | integer | not null default nextval
> ('new_gm_qm_set_id_seq'::regclass)
> owner          | integer |
> [blah blah blah...]
> Indexes:
>      "new_gm_qm_set_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>      "new_gm_qm_set_owner_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("owner") REFERENCES
> m_user(id)
> However, when I go to delete my desired table (new_gm_qm_set), it
> complains about another table:
> mydb=3D# begin; alter table new_gm_qm_set drop constraint
> new_gm_qm_set_owner_fkey;
> ERROR:  "m_user_pkey" is an index
> --Richard
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