Marco Aurelio V. da Silva marcoprodata
Wed Sep 27 13:07:17 PDT 2006
>> You need one slon per database-target combination.  I'm not sure I'm
>> understanding your question correctly, but it sounds like you think
>> you need something like this:
>> Database <-> slon <-> slon <-> database
>> That's not how it works.  It's
>> Database <-> slon <-> database

In each server i execute 4 slon process:

Server A

slon xxx1 "dbname=bd1 user=admin password=123"
&& This process for replicate bd1 local for other nodes

slon xxx2 "dbname=bd2 user=admin password=123"
&& this process for receive replication of the bd2 of the other node

slon xxx3 "dbname=bd3 user=admin password=123"
&& this process for receive replication of the bd3 of the other node

Server B

slon xxx1 "dbname=bd1 user=admin password=123"
&& This process for receive replication of the bd1 of other node

slon xxx2 "dbname=bd2 user=admin password=123"
&& this process for replicate bd2 local for other nodes

slon xxx3 "dbname=bd3 user=admin password=123"
&& this process for receive replication of the bd3 of the other node

these various process slon in each server are necessary ?

Thanks to Advance,

Marco Aur?lio V. da Silva
Prodata Inf. e Cad. Ltda.
marco at
MSN: marco at 

O Yahoo! est? de cara nova. Venha conferir!

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